[Bonzo Dog]

Marcel Duchamp & Dada

As the Bonzos came from the Sixties' Art School environment, it's unsurprising that there are plenty of references to Art in their works, many of the album covers being the most obvious.
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Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp was a highly influential artist, active from the 1910s till his death in the 1960s.

He is particularly known for his series of Ready-Mades [title used on a Post-Bonzos single] - art based on everyday or "found" objects - and for saying that an object is art if an artist says it is. His Dadaist ideas thus led to pop art in the late 1950s and 1960s.

One of the Ready-Mades is titled The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even (1923) [inspired a title on Keynsham - actually one of the possible translations of the French title].

A good place to see some of his work is in Tate Modern in London.


[Bonzo Dog]
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